Monday, March 11, 2019

The First Step in Christian Discipleship

I have to ask you a question.  Are you trying integrate your traditional discipleship with the doctrine of becoming as a little child and being born again?  Is that the issue everyone I talk to is having?  That what we have been taught is different from what the scriptures tell us to do?  The mandates given by the Church leaders can be followed by everyone on the spectrum regardless of whether they have been born again.  I have wondered, though, if there is an assumption by many Church leaders that we all have been born again.  Until I was born again I would put into practice the program of the Church with very limited success.  My view of everything changed after I felt the redeeming love my Savior.

Maybe we should stop ‘trying to live the gospel of Jesus Christ’ and just live it.  Just live it with all our failings, faults, sins and offensive behavior.  Maybe, if we did this, letting go of our shame, humbling ourselves, realizing that we need someone to rescue us today (not tomorrow – we work on today’s evil), we would realize that Christ’s grace is sufficient for all those who come unto him today.  And, we no longer say in our minds, ‘I’ll do better tomorrow’.  We no longer postpone our life in Christ.  As we choose to be meek and lowly of heart we will find how impossible it really is.  We turn to our Savior crying for help, acknowledging that we can’t do it on our own (not get angry, turn the other cheek, not lust in our hearts, etc., etc.).  The scriptures call this ‘coming unto Christ’.  This realization that we will never be perfect trying to obey ‘the law’, BUT we can be perfect in Christ.  When we come to this realization, frustrated, in anguish, worthless, - this is when we are ready to be baptized by fire and of the Holy Ghost and have our sins remitted.  And, Christ comes to us sooner than we ever would have expected.  Surrendering (the sacrifice of a broken heart and contrite spirit) always comes first.  What I mean by ‘first’ is it is the thing we do, it is all that we can do, there is nothing else we can do but repent and turn to the Savior believing (the faith part is to turn) that He CAN HEAL US.

I believe discipleship begins here.  What we do in the meantime is designed to get us here.  A school master.  It is also designed to move the Church forward.  But, moving the Church forward doesn’t SAVE us.  What saves us is knowing Christ and He knowing us.  To know Christ is to suffer with Christ.  His teachings will cause us to ‘suffer’ (at first) until we realize that His way is the right way (forgiving others of their trespasses, turning the other cheek, being longsuffering, caring, etc.).  We then are filled with His love, are perfected in Him, and are sanctified by His blood.  Christ becomes precious to us.  We no longer want to sin but we do.  We improve slowly walking hand in hand with Christ relying only on His merits.  Christ becomes the author of our faith.  We become his children.  The demands of justice are satisfied.  Our past, present, and future sins (weaknesses) are covered by Jesus.  As long as we don’t rebel.   I fall from grace all the time but repent and come back and am filled with His love once again.  We then move from grace to grace, offering a grace for a grace.  Our inner man begins to change.  The image of Christ starts appearing in our countenance.

Well, this is a grand first step!


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