Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Levels of Progress: Gate, Relying, Steadiness, Feasting

I was reading 2 Nephi 31 today. Nephi spells out clearly the path back to God. In the last verse of the chapter (v.21) he says, "there is none other way nor name given under heaven whereby man can be saved in the kingdom of God". So, what he says before this must be very important.

The first step is to enter by the gate or at least know the gate. The gate is repentance and baptism. How do you know you have entered? Your sins are remitted (by fire and by the Holy Ghost). (v.17) This might take some time for most of us.

After you have taken the first step, "ye in this strait and narrow path which leads to eternal life". You know this because you have received the Holy Ghost. The Father has promised that anyone who enters by the gate will receive the Holy Ghost (v.18

The second step is to stay on the path. You can't just get on the path and think that all is done. It took believing in Christ and having unshaken faith in Him to get this far. You have relied "wholly upon the merits of Him who is mighty to save." The person who has made it this far has done a very impressive feat. He has grown to rely on Christ for everything. His faith has become unshaken. But, don't drop the fruit, there's still more! (v. 19)

To get the prize at the end of our lives on this earth, we have to press forward with a steadfastness in Christ. Through the thick and the thin all we have to do is be steady (Alma 5:48). We have a perfect brightness of hope - no pessimism here! We have developed a love of God and of all men. We have learned to feast upon the word of Christ (hear and do the promptings of the Holy Ghost) (v.20).

It looks to me that once we break out our state of unbelief (Ether 4:15) and start exercising some faith, our minds are enlightened and it becomes easy to stay on the path (don't be slothful because the easiness of the way (Alma 37:46)). But, to cast off the natural man, now that's the hard thing! Will God really be there for me? Will He do what's best for me? Can I rely on Him?

But this is what most be done, "this is the doctrine of Christ, and the only and true doctrine of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost..."

There is no other way - but it looks like a good way to me!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Spiritual Mindedness 2 Nephi 9:39

I find the following verse very interesting:

O, my beloved brethren, remember the awfulness in transgressing against that Holy God, and also the awfulness of yielding to the enticings of that cunning one. Remember, to be carnally-minded is death, and to be spiritually-minded is life eternal.

There are two different planes of thought: a spiritual plane and a carnal plane. We either are thinking on the one or the other. When doubt, fear or sin enter into my life, I imagine my spiritually-minded plane beginning to tilt and I begin to slide off. Or, the surface of the plane gets soft and I start sinking until I land on the carnally-minded plane.

How can we stay steadfast on the spiritual plane? When trials, troubles and afflictions happen in our lives, how do we keep the faith, continue to rely on the merits of the Holy One of Israel? Stay humble, be calm, believe that God is aware of you and your needs. Relax, cast off all doubt. Fear not. Walk the path of the low valley, be strict in the plain road. Always have a broken heart and contrite spirit. Always remember Him.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

1 Nephi 10:18-21 We will be Judged for Not Seeking

I used to thing that people could stand at the judgment bar and claim that truth was never revealed to them in this life and that they might get some leniency. This still might be true but there is evidence in the following verses that indicate the contrary.

In 1 Nephi 10:18 Nephi tells us that a way is provided in this life for all men to in all ages to find the truth. It's to repent and come unto the Christ. Nephi then says (v.19) that anyone who diligently seeks will receive answers and know about God and his mysteries (the things only understood by the spiritual man).

Nephi then goes on to say that each of us needs to be careful (v.20) because all of our doings will be brought to judgment. Could it be that seeking or not seeking is something that each of does? If a person is prompted to seek - which I believe happens over and over again for everyone - but chooses not to follow the prompting and receives no answer, who's at fault?

Nephi cinches his argument in verse 21 explaining that if we have sought to do wickedly in our days of probation we will be found unclean. My point is that we either seek after the things of God (repenting and coming unto Him) or we don't. If we don't, we are, by default, seeking something else. Working out our salvation in fear and trembling is painful. It isn't any fun. It is soul wrenching. We either do it or we don't (and we won't be held blameless if we don't).

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Nephi's Dream 1 Nephi 11:22 Sheddeth Itself

The Meaning of Tree

In verse 22 the angel asks if Nephi knows the mean of the tree which his father saw. Nephi responds that the tree is the love of God which sheddeth itself abroad in the hearts of the children of men...

So I looked up the word 'shed'. It means to cause to pour forth; or to diffuse or radiate; send forth or impart. So the love of God is diffused abroad into the hearts of the children of men or better yet, the love of God is sent forth or poured forth into the hearts of the children of men.

...wherefore, it is the most desirable above all things... and the most joyous to the soul (v22,23). I want more of this! This love sounds wonderful. Lehi say the fruit of the tree is desirable to make one happy (1 N. 8:10).

After one holds to the rod for a while, he will finally arrive (if he doesn't let go) to the this tree and partake of the fruit. But, it looks foolish to the world and sometimes the partakers of the love of God get ashamed (1 N. 8:25). The ways of Christ are not complimentary with the ways of the world.

Personally, I want the love of God shedding itself forth in my heart! That is a goal worth pursuing.

Nephi's Dream 1 Nephi 11

Simply Believe

At the beginning of the vision, Nephi receives an interview. What struck as I was reading was the angel asking Nephi if he believed the words of his father (v.4), Nephi's response (v.5) that he believed all the words of his father and the angels response (v.6) that Nephi is blessed because he believes in the Son of the most high God.

Nephi really believes. He has already shown by his past actions and attitudes that his believing isn't merely giving lip service to something. The assurances he receives don't go untended. He doesn't doubt at all as he moves from one errand to the next. This is amazing to me. Nephi's 'believing' teaches us all a lesson about the power of faith. He is the perfect example of a person who plants the seed of faith, nurtures it, sees it swell and take root and then tries it again and again with same results. His faith tree is growing and beginning to produce fruit. Believing in the context of true discipleship means more than listening to let's say, Lehi, and doing nothing afterwards. It is more than praying about whether something is true or not, getting your answer and then doing nothing. It's more than going after the plates, failing, and failing again and then giving up. It has something to do with walking without any doubt that the Lord is there and since he agrees with your course of action (errand). He will ultimately support you in realizing a fulfillment of whatever it is you know to be doing. When we give up, whine, complain or murmur we are displaying that we don't really believe (unbelief) that God is there to actively support us.

So, practice just believing! (cast off doubt, worry, fear and pessimism).

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Pep Talk: 1 Nephi 7:12

Yea, and how is it that ye have forgotten that the Lord is able to all things according to his will, for the children of men, if it so be that they exercise faith in him? Wherefore, let us be faithful to him.

These are amazing word spoken by Nephi to Laman and Lemuel. They keep on forgetting that there is a God and he can do all things if we exercise faith in him.

Nephi just holds to his guns. He will not compromise. But, he finally says to Laman and Lemuel to go ahead a go back to Jerusalem and perish (v.15). At this point they get really angry at Nephi. It sounds like they are conflicted. They want to go back and just get on with their old life but they also are going along with their father, Lehi. They are dreaming about how good life would be back in Jerusalem. Nephi gives them a reality check trying to bring them back to the faithful way of thinking. He bursts their little bubble. He reminds them of the evidences the have already received and their obligation to the family and the Lord. They hate the reality check and decide to tie up Nephi and leave him to perish in the wilderness.

Why do we so easily forget the great things the Lord has done for us? What is it about the world we live in that screws up our minds so readily? I think we keep on forgetting that there is a God because we can't see Him. We like our carnal security. We all tend to press forward toward security. Those who give themselves periodic reality checks readjust their grip on the iron rod and redouble their efforts to think on a more spiritual plane. Those who practice the higher plane enough start moving forward in what I call the faith cycle. Our faith grows because we receive blessings (miracles, assurances, evidences and comfort). Because we know more about the unseen, we try pur faith out again and the same thing happens (blessings and miracles). And the cycle starts again, going on and on until we become just men (and women) made perfect.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Murmuring - Nephi's Measuring Stick

I have been trying to understand what is was that Nephi had that made him highly favored of the Lord. What made it so Nephi never murmured or complained? The obvious answer is that he had faith, that he brought some this with him from the premortal realm. It seems like it was easy for Nephi to trust in the Lord while everyone else had levels of unbelief. We, in general, act like Laman and Lemuel although we want to believe that we would act like Nephi. So, what did Nephi do to be so believing that the Lord would work in Nephi's behalf whenever he was in a pinch?

So far, I come up with following:
1. Nephi desired to know the mysteries of God, sought after the Lord (asked) and received an answer ( 1 N. 2:16,19). Laman and Lemuel, on the other hand, murmured against their father, apparently because the wouldn't seek humbly for an answer from God (v. 12). It looks like the thought to seek or inquire of the Lord didn't even cross their minds.
2. Nephi make special mention that he was young. Perhaps that means that he wasn't full of worldly nonsense that molds our belief systems as we get older. He hadn't developed an unbelieving heart. He was able to start fresh from the start with minimal faith debilitating influences. His older brothers were already intrenched in their ways.
3. Nephi's testimony or softening of his heart caused him to believe the words of his father. When commanded to go back to Jerusalem, he had already prepared himself to say yes. He believed that the command came from the Lord. He believed that a way would be prepared. He didn't murmur (1 N. 3:1). His brothers saw it as a hard thing and murmured (v.5).
4. After the first attempt to get the plates, everyone was sorrowful. Nephi's brothers wanted to give up. Nephi pulls out the slump and rallies the brothers together. He tells them to be faithful. They bribe Laban with their father's gold and silver. This plan also back fires. You can imagine what's going on in Laman and Lemuel's heads. They just about got themselves killed because of the (in their opinion) Nephi's stupid plan to bribe Laban. They also realized that they have just squandered their inheritance. And last of all, they are wanted men. They can never return to their old life. Well, they get mad and start beating on Nephi and Sam. This makes sense to me. They believed Nephi's plan and it completely backfired. Their older brother natural man-ness kicks in and they start smiting them with a rod. If God doesn't do something right now, Nephi could be forced to comply with Laman and Lemuel's demands and scrap the mission - as well as being severely beaten or worse. The only logical response from God is to intervene. The boy is exercising faith! He believes that the Lord will provide a way. So the angel comes and puts and end to the beating. This reinforces Nephi's faith. He just received an evidence of things not seen , an assurance of things hoped for. He now knows that God is willing to intercede when necessary.
5. But, Laman and Lemuel start murmuring again after the angel leaves. Why? They hadn't planted the seed of faith so the experience wasn't a faith growing experience. I am a little surprised that Laman and Lemuel didn't say, "we now believe the words of our father". But, the fear of Laban stuck with them. They couldn't get the fear out of their heads. Nephi gives them a pep talk about how the Lord has done great things in the past and that they just saw an angel (1 N. 4:3)! The brothers whine (murmur) all the way back to Jerusalem. They are following Nephi but they can't cast off their unbelief. Nephi finally decides to drop the excess baggage (alternate voices) and go it alone. The Spirit guides him and he finds Laban. Nephi is given a very difficult personal test and passes. He gets the plates.

It's interesting the Nephi's mother, Sariah, is freaking out at base camp. She doesn't believe Lehi and his visions. The boys have been gone for a long while. She is convinced that her sons are dead. Lehi gives her a pep talk (1 N. 5:4). He doesn't get defensive or mad. He agrees that he is a visionary man and stays positive that everything is going to work out. This comforts Sariah. I am comforted in hard times by the faith promoting pep talks of others, especially my wife. When her sons return she now knows of a surety that the Lord is with her husband. The joy and comfort she received upon the return of her sons and the plates established her faith. She didn't murmur after that. But, why didn't this happen with Laman and Lemuel? I am not sure.

In 1 N. 5:20 we read that 'thus far I and my father had kept the commandments where with the Lord had commanded us.' Nephi singles out himself and his father as being able to do the hard thing and not murmur.

Nephi follows the pattern of exercising faith, getting an answer which grows his faith, doing it again, having another miracle occur, growing his faith once again, and so on. This is a logical pattern. If God is really there, he will not let those that are planting the seed of faith down. But, our faith has to be tried. We are the conflicted ones. Instead of growing logically from one faith promoting experience to the next with confirming witnesses from the Lord, we tend to vacillate all over the place. Nephi was able to stay focused and steadfast as he progressed from grace to grace. Why do we fear? Why do we freak out when the going gets rough? Be believing. Fear not. Come unto the Lord.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Knowing Not The Dealings of God

How does one know the know the dealings of that God who has them? Laman and Lemuel had this problem. In 1 Nephi 2:12 is says,

And thus Laman and Lemuel ... did murmur agains their father. And they did murmur because they knew not the dealings of that God who had created them.

They didn't get the witness from God that what Lehi was doing was of God. They didn't want that witness. They wanted to go back to Jerusalem. They did not believe the assurance that were given them by Lehi. They had no evidence. Jerusalem was not destroyed, thus, they couldn't believe what they could not see. They wouldn't experiment on Lehi's words.

This verse is similar to another verse in Mormon 9. In verse 20 we read, "And the reason why he ceaseth to do miracles among the children of me is because that they dwindle in unbelief, and depart from the right way, and know not the God in whom they should trust."

The Book of Mormon teaches that God is an active God, interested in us and our walk on this earth. To believe that God doesn't perform miracles in our lives is to declare that you are in a state of unbelief. To say that he hasn't revealed himself to you just means that you haven't passed the trial of your faith or perhaps haven't even planted the seed. Our human tendancy is belief what we can see and hear and feel. We need to learn to walk by faith, changing and repenting as required, growing from grace to grace.

In Hebrews 11: 6 we read, "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."

Faith is accepting or having the assurance of things hoped for and having or accepting evidences of things not seen.

We build on the assurances that we have received from others that there really is a God out there. We also have assurances from the Spirit. We have many evidences that there is more to this life than what can be seen and felt. The scriptures is an evidence. Miracles and blessings in our lives are evidences that there is a God.

Isn't there such a contrast between the natural man and the spiritual man? It is like night and day! The natural man cannot comprehend the spiritual but the spiritual man can comprehend the natural becuase he was once there.

1 Nephi 2:16 states that Nephi desire to know the mysteries of God and did cry unto the Lord. "...and behold he did visit me, and did soften my heart that I did believe all the words which were spoken by my father, wherefore I did not rebel against him like unto my brothers."

Is all about seeking to know. Its about hungering and thirsting. Its about exercising faith.

But there's more to concept. To know that God deals with people on this earth

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Over the years I have read Ether 12:27 over and over again trying to understand how to tap into that scripture. The verse goes,

And if men come unto me I will show unto them their aweakness. I bgive unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that dhumble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make eweak things become strong unto them.

So, as I strive to come unto the Lord, I am shown my weakness. Well, over the past ten years, I have been many weaknesses by the Lord. I will enumerate them in my private journal. Suffice it say that I am accutely aware of many of them. I sometimes confess them in prayer. If someone were to say, Scott, you really have a problem in this area or that, I would say, yes, I know.

I humbly know how weak I am. What is amazing is that if I have faith in Christ, he will make weak things strong unto me. He didn't say that he will turn my weakness into a strength. It seems to be broader than that. Maybe he will make it into a strength. Maybe he will create he just changes the environment so the weakness doesn't have to plague me anymore.

28 Behold, I will show unto the Gentiles their weakness, and I will show unto them that afaith, hope and charity bringeth unto me—the fountain of all brighteousness.

We Gentiles need to stop being so proud and start exercising faith in God. We don't believe what we can't see. We can't see how God would provide if we would let him. We have to be so ruggedly independent. We can't accept help from others and don't expect God to help us either! Other races don't have this problem. The develop their faith, gain a hope and walk with charity in their hearts much earlier than we Gentiles do. We believe in a pull up your boot straps God. When others need temporal help and would love a leg up, we just can't. It goes against the I did it myself belief so he can do it too. We believe that all people have the same capasity that we were endowed with. There isn't room for someone to be really emotional sick. Cancer is ok. Take a year off. But, to be emotionally sick is not acceptable for some reason!

Back to what I want to talk about: weakness. The key is that weakness brings one closer to God! To know your weakness means that you are self aware. This means that repentance has been granted unto you. Most people that I have met have no awareness of their weakness. They are always right. They don't want to know. If you told them, they would get upset, want to leave the room or vehemently deny what you just said.

God is the best person to reveal weaknesses. He does it with the right timing. It took me years and years to finally realize and confess my first weakness. It took another six years for the second. These were awarenesses of major weaknesses. Things that I cannot change on my own. Since then many, many more have become known unto me. These awarenesses led up to a pivotal moment. I received a revelation on what I needed to do. Ask me and I might tell you. You first must have trust.

In verse 37 it says,

And it came to pass that the Lord said unto me: If they have not charity it mattereth not unto thee, thou hast been faithful; wherefore, thy garments shall be made aclean. And because thou hast seen thy bweakness thou shalt be made strong, even unto the sitting down in the place which I have prepared in the mansions of my Father.

This verse is amazing because the Lord tells Moroni that because he has seen his weakness, he shall be made strong. To see his weakness means to be aware of it, to realize that you have it. Apparently the Gentiles don't know that they need charity and this constitutes a big weakness on our behalf. We don't believe that faith, hope and charity are the most important things to work on. We are very proud. We are full up capacity. We prosper according to our own genious. We fare according to the management of our creatures and conquer according our own strength. We believe this is the right way. Even when we are 100% wrong. We love competition. We love money. These are all weaknesses!


I have started the Book of Mormon again. One of the main themes of the Book of Mormon is mercy. The Lord is merciful unto those that he has chosen. Those that are chosen have done specific things to become highly favored of the Lord. It wasn't a random selection by the Lord. Lehi actually showed his faith by doing something that took a lot of courage: obey the Lord's command and walk out on a street corner and start preaching. The last verse of 1 Nephi 1 says,

20 And when the Jews heard these things they were angry with him; yea, even as with the prophets of old, whom they had cast out, and stoned, and slain; and they also sought his life, that they might take it away....

These were very dangerous times. The Jews didn't want to hear what a prophet had to say. Lehi put his life in the Lord's hands. Would I be able to do that?

...But behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance.

Nephi states at the beginning of his book, that he wants to show the reader that this isn't a random God who just lets wickedness take its course and does nothing to protect his people. He is an active God that delivers those that put their trust in him and show by their actions that they mean it. God is merciful to those that he has chosen even if it requires that he makes the person mighty so he can be delivered from seemingly insurmountable odds.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I was reading Moroni 10:32 ,

Yea, acome unto Christ, and be bperfected in him, and cdeny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and dlove God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be eperfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God.

It struck me that the first thing one does is come unto Christ, the second thing is to be perfected in him and the third is to deny yourself of all ungodliness. Perhaps as one come to rely on Christ, one realizes how far away he really is. But, that doesn't really matter since he takes up all the slack and you are perfected in him. At that point the struggle begins: denying yourself all ungodliness. This step requires that the person needs to start to grow. And this growth is difficult. All those poor character traits, bad habits and weaknesses that have made your natural man dentrites completely inflexible need to be worked on. But, we have Christ's grace to assist us. We could never do it alone. If, this wasn't true, you would have your defects. But, you still have them. They don't go away. You have tried and tried. You take the sacrament over and over again, repenting, wanting the weaknesses to depart. But they don't.

I believe that denying yourself all ungodliness has much to do with the character traits detailed by the Lord in the sermon on the mount. It is impossible for the natural man to even comprehend living precepts taught by the Lord on the mount. In fact, most of the teachings are foolishness to the natural man. Who in their right mind would turn the other cheek when verbally attacked? Its normal to call or think that someone is a fool when they do foolish things. Looking on a beautiful woman can bring obvious desires that the Lord counsel us to curtail since we might be committing adultury in our hearts. It is definitely incomprehensible to the natural man to consider the lillies of the field, how they toil not and apply the teaching in his own life. How do relax and flow through life, caring for nothing of the world, enjoying each moment? I could go on and on. Godliness, in my opinion, is the development of character traits that mirror Jesus Christ. Godliness requires the faith to desire to change deeply seated habits. The gift of charity must be bestowed on this humble follower of Christ because the attributes of charity are exactly what is needed to be able to live the sermon on the mount. You have to be long suffering to go the extra mile, you must believe all things and hope all things and endure all things to give your children good gifts rather than using compulsion to get what you want.

We can't see the results of living this new way. Since we can't see it, we don't believe that it will really work. Most of us can't even see our weaknesses since our culture teaches us over and over again that the natural man character traits are good. We fight back when when attacked. We believe we a justified and pat ourselves on the back because we verbally one the fight with the other individual. The person who has been granted repentance (Alma 13, last verse), does't see it that way. He is accutely aware that he has failed once again to hold his tongue. He feels terrible and wants to apologize yet again to his loved one for being such a jerk. When this person works out his salvation in fear and trembling or in other words, works at the weakness, relying on the grace of God - - when he gets to that place when he usually fights back, defending himself, digging into his natural man bag of tricks - - he has not desire to do it. He is calm. He isn't gritting his teeth. At this moment, this man realizes that charity has been granted and he no longer has a desire to evil. A miracle has just occurred. He knows and God knows it. This man immediately, praises God in prayer, thanking him for making his weakness a strength unto him.

He is on the road to becoming a just man and even a just man made perfect.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Gulf between Unbelief and Faith

Ether 12:4 is a beautiful verse:

Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with surety hope for a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of God, which hope cometh of faith, maketh an anchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding in good works, being led to glorify God.

It seems to me that a true believer receives from God spiritual manifestations or witnesses so that he becomes sure and steadfast. As he exercises faith, he progresses from grace to grace knowing that the course he is pursuing is good. He knows that his faith in the unseen really brings forth miracles large, small, marvelous and subtle. These experiences anchor his soul.

While the person that exercises no faith receives not such witness and remains in a state of unbelief. As his unbelief grows, he unknowingly experiences what is called the chains of hell. He believes that goodness is foolishness. He knows nothing of godliness yet thinks he knows how the world operates. But, he only knows the operations of the world from an unbelieving point of view.

My point is that there is a gulf between these two individuals. The gulf is wide and deep; two completely different ways of thinking. What's interesting is that the unbeliever may demand that there isn't any more to this life than what he sees. He thinks that since he hasn't experienced the greater things or the mysteries of Godliness that they don't exist. He has never sought. He never asked. But, he feels justified in his unbelief.

Ether 4:5-6 says, that ... Ether did prophesy great and marvelous things unto the people, which they did not believe, because they saw them not. ... faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith.

Faith defined in Book of Mormon terms, is this thing that grows and grows. It starts by a person planting a seed. As the seed begins to swell within the person he knows that that the seed is good. Why does a person who just believes the true words of another bring about this swelling? Because the person exercized a particle of faith! A little miracle occurred. The Spirit spoke to the heart of the person. He received an assurance from the preacher and when he believe the assurance, the evidence came.

The unseen world of principles, gifts and gods is so foreign to the unbeliever. Thus, the unbeliever receives no witness.

President Monson, in the last General Conference said, ... fear not. Be of good cheer. The future is as bright as your faith. Our faith will be the power that brings about great things in our future and Church's future. Dim faith will bring about a lessor future. No faith will put us in the camp of the unbeliever. Let's all grow our faith so it feels like an old glove.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Akish Thrawted In His Evil Designs

In Ether 8 and 9 we find a classic story of intrigue. Jared, the son of Omer, is very sad that he lost the kingdom that he usurped previously. His brothers didn't kill him because he begged for his life and promised that he would be good boy. He's a classic addict but his addiction is power. As soon as Jared gets tempted again he goes right back to his old drug.

His beautiful daughter sees his sorrow and comes up with a solution. She and her father are people of the world with no qualms to do what it takes to get power and gain. The daughter of Jared has  plan. She proposes that she dance for a man named Akish. Akish is a friend of Omer the King. This must have been a special kind of dance used to attract and or seduce men. When Akish desires her to marry her, he would come to Jared to ask her hand in marriage. When this occurs, Jared would request his father's head on plate.

It all happens like clock work. But, in order to pull it off Akish, has to build a secret combination (see my secret combination essay). Akish unites all his friends and family to promise under penalty of death not to tell anyone about their secret crimes. Its just like the current hit reality show, Survivor. Akish knows he can use his friendship (trust) with king Omer to pull of the deception.

Here's where the story changes. Omer is warned of the Lord of conspiracy and is told to depart with his family into the wilderness. Jared takes back the kingdom and no blood is shed. Jared becomes the king and gives he daughter to Akish to marry.

But it doesn't stop here. Akish, who has his secret network, decides to kill Jared. Jared's head get chopped off while on his throne surrounded by people. Akish becomes the king. No mention is made of his wife, the daugher of Jared. She was either part of the plan or more likely wondering what she had done. Had she created a monster? As king, Akish starts acting paranoid. He starves and kills one of his sons. By the end of the story Akish's kingdom falls into civil war and all but thirty souls remain alive. Omer returns and takes back the kingdom.

The moral of the story is that God protects those who puts their trust in Him and permits the wicked to kill each other off. Caution should be taken in trusting people. Subterfuge should never be used to get what you want. Secret alliances are evil and put people in the ultimate bind where they must deny the righteous impulses under threat of death.

Spreading the Wealth - a wicked practice?

I was reading Ether 9 today and found a verse that I have been trying find for years. The verse reminds me of what politicians do to entice it's citizens to support them as rulers. The citizens can be entice if they value money over higher principles.

Here's verse 11:
Now the people of Akish were desirous for gain, even as Akish was desirous for power; wherefore, the sons of Akish did offer them money, by which means they drew away the more part of the people after them.

So, Akish and his boys give the people money to support them as the rulers. How did Akish get the money? It had to be either taxation, extortion or mining or precious ore. If it was through taxation or extortion, then they were applying a socialist principle of redistribution of wealth.

We read in verse 12 that ... there began to be a war between the sons of Akish and Akish, which lasted for the space of many years, yea, unto the destruction of nearly all the people of the kingdom, yea, even all, save it were thirty souls, and they who fled with the house of Omer.

Apparently greed and power got the best of Akish and his sons. These summarized verses are very vague as what exactly happened. But, the end result was that the people apparently took sides and killed each other until their were only thirty souls left!

If a nation's primary focus in power and gain, the country won't last long.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ether 3:13 Redeemed from the Fall

The word, redeemed is an interesting word that I want to understand better. Last week I was reading somewhere in the Book of Mormon and understood that to be redeemed means to be brought back into the presence of the Lord to be judged.

In Ether 3:13, I read "Because thou knowest these things ye are redeemed from the fall". Is this the same redemption that I read earlier or a different redemption since the Lord added 'the fall'? The Brother of Jared is brought back into the presence of the Lord just like above, but he also has been judged and found worthy to be in God's presence early - which means more than redemption. I will have to study this topic more.

In Mormon 9:13 and 14 I read that there is a redemption from endless sleep. This would be the spirit world. The eternal band of death which is a temporal death must mean dying and going to spirit world without your body. To be redeemed from the temporal death by Jesus Christ is to receive your body and be brought back into his presence. We are then judged by the Holy One and if we are still filthy, unrighteous or unhappy we will remain in that state.

So, what does it mean to be quickened to a kingdom of glory? Does Christ remove our filthiness at this time? Are we still unhappy inheriting a kingdom of glory? Is there more payment to be made after the judgment? Does the latter-day doctrine amplify the doctrine of the Book of Mormon - superceding it?

And because of the redemption of man, which came by Jesus Christ, they are brought back into the presence of the Lord; yea, this is wherein all men are redeemed, because the death of Christ bringeth to pass the resurrection, which bringeth to pass a redemption from an endless sleep, from which sleep all men shall be awakened by the power of God when the trump shall sound; and they shall come forth, both small and great, and all shall stand before his bar, being redeemed and loosed from this eternal band of death, which death is a temporal death.

14 And then cometh the judgment of the Holy One upon them; and then cometh the time that he that is filthy shall be filthy still; and he that is righteous shall be righteous still; he that is happy shall be happy still; and he that is unhappy shall be unhappy still.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Regarding an Article on Forced Giving

Here’s some thoughts (on Walter Williams Article):

1. The rub: without the unconstitutional welfare system, America might not be as ‘good’ as we have grown up believing. Without the welfare system, would Americans have been willing to give up a portion of their wealth to help the poor – especially the undeserving poor? Knowing our Calvinistic heritage, probably not. Knowing our reverence for the dog eat dog culture (competitive, emulating and fierce), probably not. So here’s the constitutional welfare rub: Is it possible that America would have lost its blessed state faster without the implementation of a welfare system by our elected officials (apparently going beyond their constitutional powers)? Would America have fallen faster and deeper into a society of haves and have-nots? A society where the haves would drive home from work every day passing homeless hordes of people on the side of the street begging for food and shelter? Would most of the haves constantly fear being broken into by angry, disenfranchised, disillusioned have-nots that have decided to find food and money in this inappropriate way? The rub I have about going back to the constitution while most of America has deep Korihorian beliefs - which are wicked according to Mormon – is that it would be detrimental to the American way of life in ways we are unwilling to imagine or accept.
2. When the Nephites were embracing the supply-demand dog eat dog, class stratification, mocking the poor, loving money system, they were left to rely on their own strength (which was great according to the strength of a man) and no longer received the strength, protection and prosperity of the Lord.
3. Most Americans I talk to are more than willing to give voluntarily the involuntary taxes imposed upon them for better good. They are grateful to be living in a land where it’s still possible to pursue happiness. The system of helping the poor isn’t perfect but it’s still helping the poor. God blesses nations that help the poor whether or not the nation is constitutional or not. We are not worthy of our constitution. We haven’t been worthy of it for many, many years. Captain Moroni was needed in 1839 when the Mormons were expulsed from Missouri, in 1913 when the international bankers took over the country’s financial system, in 1938 when America went into receivership to the international banks and the Uniform Commercial Code was unknowingly imposed upon all Americans, when our government forcibly relocated Native Americans in 1831 (the Trail of Tears) so Americans could steal their lands. Where was our Captain Moroni? And now we awaken to our awful state and want to change it all back? We ALL still have the wicked belief systems drummed into us through our childhood and adulthood and we don’t even know what the belief system is!
4. Compare your belief system with the belief system of righteous Nephites and you will know where the contradictions lie. They are deeply rooted. But, we know they are correct and good, you exclaim! They worked for our fathers. Why can’t they work for us? Because, the Lord will not suffer that we take happiness in sin forever. We are either changing and progressing toward unity, love and compassion or we are not.

Let me know what you think. Fight my thoughts! Let’s have a real discussion.
Scott Nelson

I just read your response. I agree with your state level arguments, etc. I will give your thoughts more thought! My original email was my way of kind a stepping back and looking at the mess that has been creating and trying make sense of it. You will have to read my blog on Nephites. I was not very clear on framing my Nephite thought. My line of thought was regarding how the righteous Christian Nephite of Alma’s time period operated within the general Nephite free market system (like our American free market system with all the regulations). Political, religious and economic freedom was definitely the foundation of Nephite system and worth fighting as our constitution is worth fighting for. Mormon was decrying a belief system that was entering into the church in Alma 30. The wicked belief system is one that we Americans generally believe.


Craig's Response:

On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 9:34 AM, Craig Nelson <> wrote:
Scott,Great point but I do have some comments.1. The welfare of the poor would be taken care of by one of three methods.
1st: If the federal government was following the Constitution we would not have the majority of our regulations which restrain businesses to succeed. This increase the wealth of the nation so that anyone that wanted to work could and for a wage that would be adequate to support them.2nd: With the increased wealth I believe that people would give to churches and charities. Oh wait they already do, in amounts greater then any other country in the world. And, I believe it would continue and increase.3rd: I we want the government to take care of the poor that is fine, just not the federal government. Each state can have a welfare program as they deem necessary. This would be a way for states to attract or repel people and businesses. The Constitution restrains the federal government.
2. You are absolutely correct. And if we want to force people to have "charity" [Christ like Love] toward each other then it is Constitution at the state level. I don't think it is correct, you know agency and free will, but if done correctly through laws with due process, I will go with it.3. Again most of that should be take care at the state level.4. The Constitution was designed to protect the freedom of men. To allow them to succeed or fail. To allow them to worship and believe as they want. From my understanding, the Nephites and Moroni went after those that fought against God and the Church. They didn't force people to believe but they did punish, even unto death, those that would take others freedoms away.Scott, I am sure that I am missing something and have not spent enough time researching to create a bullet proof argument but I did want to respond timely.I really enjoy these conversation. It really irritates me that as a people we ether don't talk about "religion" and "politic" or we keep them separate. The scriptures, all of them, are full of politics and government.Love,

A government big enough to give you everything you want, is a government big enough to take everything you have!"If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering and to prosper; but if we and our posterityneglect its instruction and authority, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury all our glory inprofound obscurity." (Daniel Webster)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Secret Combinations

As was reading this morning from the Book of Helaman. After the destruction of the Gadianton robbers six years back, the Nephites lived in pease and happiness for about five years. Then pride and class distinction entered into the society causing the church to be broken up. Men, inspired by God began to preach unto the people about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Government officials, not having authority, took it into their own hands to have these men privately put to death. Good people brought this issue before the chief judge to exact justice on the murderious lower judges. Here's how it reads: Now it came to pass that they were taken and brought up before the judge, to be judged of the crime which they had done, according to the law which had been given by the people. 27 Now it came to pass that those judges had many friends and kindreds; and the remainder, yea, even almost all the lawyers and the high priests, did gather themselves together, and unite with the kindreds of those judges who were to be tried according to the law. 28 And they did enter into a covenant one with another, yea, even into that covenant which was given by them of old, which covenant was given and administered by the devil, to combine against all righteousness. 29 Therefore they did combine against the people of the Lord, and enter into a covenant to destroy them, and to deliver those who were guilty of murder from the grasp of justice, which was about to be administered according to the law. 30 And they did set at defiance the law and the rights of their country; and they did covenant one with another to destroy the governor, and to establish a king over the land, that the land should no more be at liberty but should be subject unto kings These verses help me understand how a secret combination begins to emerge in a society. It reads like a good old boy network. 'The same buddies that you have kinship, business relationships with, etc. are brought together to support each other in criminal activity. There must be a lot of pressure to be part of this new criminal buddy system. In order to be above the law they decide they need a king. A king is necessary because the king will have power to change laws at a whim. That way law and justice can be arbitrarily decided upon by the king and his cronies. Right and wrong are removed from the equation. This a bad habit to get into. Look at governments all over the world that run on arbitrary law. Their economies fall apart. The king take the tax money and loan money and puts it in Swiss bank accounts. They kill their opponents. They rape their women. They set up security forces to keep them safe from revolt. I wonder if secret business practices intending on taking over or destroying another man's business is a precursor to the real wicked secret combinations?

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Commandments of the Lord

Keeping the commandments has always been confusing to me. There are the Lord's commandments, the 10 commandments, church commandments, cultural commandments (protocols and traditions) and a myriad of other 'commandment' that I am told I must live. It just depends on who you talk to. There is definitely something do with higher and lower laws and where a person is at in his spiritual development. It also has to do with the Lord's plan for the church in the last days - we may be asked (or commanded or counceled) to obey certain things because there is a higher purpose in it (like church unity, church mainstreaming, how we project ourselves to the world, united front, etc.) There may also be specific things in our current society that we are too close to (forest from the trees) and seem to lack depth of understanding, thus leading to counsel from the church leaders regarding the matter.

But, with all that said there is a set of commandments clearly set forth in the Book of Mormon. My specific text will come from 3 Nephi at the time of the visitation of Jesus Christ to more tighteous part of the Nephites.


1. The voice of the Lord prepares the people that are left. Coming unto the Lord and being healed are taught as well of the need to sacrifice a broken heart and contrite spirit.
2. Almost a year later Christ appears to a certain group of righteous Nephites - possibly those who worked on themselves over the year. Jesus tell of the doctrine of the Father including baptism, no contention, believing, repenting, becoming as a little child and building on the rock.
3. Jesus then teaches about certain attitudes that we will be blessed if we develop. The attitudes include poor in spirit, meekness, hungering and thirsting after righteousness and enduring persecution for Christ's sake. Jesus calls these the commandments of the Father - as if to follow the doctrine of Father, one must develop these character traits or attitudes.
4. Jesus then preaches a sermon. The sermon includes correcting old mosaic laws of killing, adultery and swearing; how to love others in faith; and never doing certain actions to aggrandize oneself. Jesus then tells the people that these are his commandments.
5. Later in another visit, Jesus tells the people to keep his commandments. He added the sacrament among other things.

I wonder if all the other commandments that we are asked to obey are but a school master to help us get to the level that we are able to obey the above commandments.

While I was thinking about Christ's commandments I thought about being sued by someone for my coat and that I should give my cloak also. I asked myself what would be required in my being to be able to give the cloak? I would definitely have to have developed a deep love for the other person or people in general. I couldn't be harboring ill feelings that I just got sued for something I really need. But, above all, or at least equally important, is a developed ability to rely on God and to trust in Him. If I truly believe (a developed line upon line faith) in an omnipotent God that has all power to restore that which I have lost (law of compensation - Elder Wirthlin), then what does it matter that I end up giving up my coat (or my home, land, possessions)? It requires faith in unseen principles to live the gospel law as taught by Jesus Christ. What are unseen principles? That God is really there. That he loves you. That what he is teaching is going to work. That he will take care of you if you do His will. That death is okay - or a willingness to die out of love for God and brethren (Anti Neph Lehies). This belief in the unseen is what is required. Breaking the veil of unbelief is so important. True faith cannot be exercised until one has developed this trust in his life. Can you see that fear and worry and anger and despair are the opposite of faith, hope and love? The negative emotions inside of us are indicators that we have not arrived, that we still have some work to do. By the way, all unseen principles are mocked by the world as stupid and foolish.

I will have to get to the analysis of the commandments of the Lord verse by verse another day.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

My Analysis of the Little Red Hen

I liked the story of the little red hen (below). It generally makes sense in an economy that people are incentivized by money and money is all that is important. If the USA were to drop all social programs in order to lower our taxes, would the mentally ill (poor), disabled (poor) elderly (poor), children (of the poor), unemployed (poor), etc., be helped by the individuals and churches in way that their needs are taken care of? If so, we should drop all taxation going toward all social programs in the USA. Perhaps the government shouldn’t be doing any social programs as many conservatives believe. I believe (and could be wrong) that if these programs were dropped, it would result in dire situations for many people. I believe the visible results would be huge number of people on the sides of the road begging for money, shelter and food; a noticeable increase in deformities, sickness and death; and a huge increase in hungry and angry people climbing over your back fence breaking into your home to find food and money. Those that have enough would have to drive by those people on the sides of the road everyday and say, oh well, I am sure glad I have enough; watch children and friends die early because they didn’t have any way to pay for a cure; notice odd deformities people have as we purchase our fast food; and put bars on our windows and doors to try to keep these bad people out – it’s not my problem that their children are hungry – they broke the law!

The US government has implemented programs that have helped to curtail the results of inequality and poverty. If the government doesn’t do it, will individuals and churches pick up the slack? With the increases in greediness among the rich and the increasing lack of Christian charity I sometimes have a more pessimistic view of what might occur. Maybe we should give it a try and see what happens.

Subject: little red hen
Barnyard Scenerio

"Who will help me plant my wheat?" said the little red hen. "Not I," said the cow.
"Not I," said the duck.

"Not I," said the pig.
"Not I," said the goose.
"Then I will do it by myself," said the little red hen, and so she did. She planted her crop, and the wheat grew very tall and ripened into golden grain.
"Who will help me reap my wheat?" asked the little red hen.
"Not I," said the duck..
"Out of my classification," said the pig.

"I'd lose my seniority," said the cow.
"I'd lose my unemployment compensation," said the goose.
"Then I will do it by myself," said the little red hen, and so she did.

At last it came time to bake the bread.
"Who will help me bake the bread?" asked the little red hen.
"That would be overtime for me," said the cow.
"I'd lose my welfare benefits," said the duck.
"I'm a dropout and never learned how," said the pig.
"If I'm to be the only helper, that's discrimination," said the goose.
"Then I will do it by myself," said the little red hen.
She baked five loaves and held them up for all of her neighbors to see. They wanted some and, in fact, demanded a share. But the little red hen said, "No, I shall eat all five loaves."
"Excess profits!" cried the cow. (Nancy Pelosi)
"Capitalist leech!" screamed the duck. (Barbara Boxer)
"I demand equal rights!" yelled the goose. (Jesse Jackson)

The pig just grunted in disdain. (Ted Kennedy)
And they all painted 'Unfair!' picket signs and marched around and around the little red hen, shouting obscenities.
Then the farmer (Obama) came. He said to the little red hen, "You must not be so greedy."
"But I earned the bread," said the little red hen."Exactly," said Barack the farmer. "That is what makes our free enterprise system so wonderful. Anyone in the barnyard can earn as much as he wants. But under our modern government regulations, the productive workers must divide the fruits of their labor with those who are lazy and idle."
And they all lived happily ever after, including the little red hen, who smiled and clucked, "I am grateful, for now I truly understand."
But her neighbors became quite disappointed in her. She never again baked bread because she joined the 'party' and got her bread free. And all the Democrats smiled. 'Fairness' had been established.
Individual initiative had died, but nobody noticed; perhaps no one long as there was free bread that 'the rich' were paying for.