Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Why aren't there three days between Christ's crucifixion and Christ's resurrection?

I wrote this post on April 13, 2018 right after Easter.

From my studies a better date for Resurrection Sunday would be last Sunday, April 8, 2018, not Easter Sunday, April 1st?  The Nicene Council at 300 A.D. couldn’t figure out the timeline of Christ's last week before he was crucified so they arbitrarily assigned days.  So, the crucifixion was placed on Friday since they thought that the Passover was only on Friday, the Passover day that Jesus was keeping during the last supper.  But, this was a high holiday. This means that it was also a Sabbath day like Saturday (the Jewish Sabbath).  So, the leaders wouldn’t dare crucify someone on a Sabbath day (fearing that the people would riot).  Samuel the Lamanite says there would be three days that Christ would remain in the tomb.  Being placed in the tomb Friday night and resurrecting on Sunday leaves only ONE day in the tomb.  Have you ever wondered about why this is?  The Book of Exodus states that Passover is a seven day event with a high holy day at the beginning  and at the end.  The first Passover meal commemorates the saving of the first born of the Children of Israel.  It is called the Lord’s Passover.  The holiday on Day 7 is Israel’s Passover.  It commemorates passing over the Red Sea.  This was a big deal:  Israel being saved.

So, the chronology goes something like this:

Friday (March 30th – this year) – Jesus has his last supper and institutes the Sacrament.  He doesn’t go to  Gethsemane that day.  This day (the first day of Passover) is calculated based on the Spring Equinox and the full moon.
Saturday – Jesus gives his sermons at multiple locations about The True Vine, and the Father and the Son being one, etc.
Sunday – Jesus continues teaching his disciples.  He may have initiated them according to Mark’s apocryphal text.
Sunday Night – He goes to Gethsemane and suffers, is captured, and is tried.
Monday (April 1) – He is delivered to Pontius Pilate.  Pilate sends him to Herod.
Tuesday – Herod interviews the Savior.  He sends him back to Pilate.
Wednesday – Pilate flogs Jesus and presents him to the people.  They cry out, Crucify Him!  He is place on the cross around 11:30 am and remains on the cross until 3:00 pm when he gives up the Ghost and dies.  The Sadducees want to get to their Passover festivities (Passover #2) by 6:00pm and need to have everybody taken down so they aren’t defiled, thus, not being able to participate in Passover #2 with their families.  They break the legs of the thieves.  But, Jesus is already dead.  Jesus is placed in the tomb.
Thursday – Day 1 in the tomb.
Friday – Day 2 in the tomb.
Saturday – Day 3 in the tomb
Sunday (April 8 - this year) – Jesus resurrects and the tomb is found empty.

This, I believe, is the correct Chronology.  The council of Nicea apparently didn’t know the Lord’s commandment in Exodus of a seven day Passover with two feasts days.  They called Christ’s crucifixion, GOOD FRIDAY.  This is very strange.  It was the lowest, worst day in the history of the world and the galaxy.  Good Friday occured on Friday of the previous week on the first Passover Seder.  They couldn’t figure where to put Ash Wednesday so they made up a new holiday 40 days earlier called Lent.  Ash Wednesday was what the early Christians called the day of Christ’s crucifixion.  A very sad day.  A day of sackcloth and ashes.

If anyone is interested in the scriptural references, just let me know.


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