Thursday, November 8, 2018

Believing in Christ - My Thoughts

My perspective is:

1. Inviting a person to believe in Christ has the potential of having power behind the words.

2. Why? Because Deity has promised to confirm the message of the messenger.

3. So, I believe that coming unto Christ is more important than any other principle.

4. Unless we learn to put all of our trust in our God and rely solely on Him, all the other things we do are like sounding brass and tinkling cymbals.

5. This means to acknowledge and recognize that you are nothing. Nothing in this context mean powerless.  It also means that everything is a gift.  You didn't earn it.

6. Until a person can believe this and do it with real intent and all sincerity, that person hasn’t come to know God.

7. When our hearts are changed and we are filled with peace, love and joy, we finally understand. We are filled with light.

8. Our service, works and deeds are now backed by the power of God.

9. Then God may tell this person to live one principle and then another one.

10. This person wants to obey His mighty God because he loves Him. He loves Him for what He has done for him and to him.

11. This is when change really begins to occur.

12. This is what is meant by receiving grace for grace.

I believe this is the most important thing to teach others.

What do you mean?  You can't do anything until you do what I stated above?

It is not ‘until’. What I said isn’t ‘static’. It is right now and a continual process throughout your life. But, the process begins with doing what I said above. It takes a very short time to humble yourself and believe. He, Jesus, decides when you receive a change of heart. All putting Christ first in your life does (rather than putting the law first) is that it changes your perspective of things. You start doing what the Apostles say, out of love. I still do all those things the Apostles say! My heart has been changing because I put Christ first and foremost. This is exactly what the Apostles want. If your heart is not changed and you are filled with malice, hate, un-forgiveness, lust, fear, anger, mean spiritedness, short suffering, etc.,, then you begin your path back by doing what I said below. The key is humility and meekness. It is very hard to have all those natural man feelings when you humble yourself.

I will never go back to my old beliefs of obedience to the law without the foundation of heartfelt, sincere, wholly relying on my Jesus – as the foundation. Obedience to laws without Christ or just giving lip service to Him or just giving intellectual assent to Him – and it is missing the point or our existence on this earth.

I obey the laws and principles of the Church and Gospel (two different things) with Christ. Grace gave the law. The law is not separate from Grace. Sin hijacks the law when we separate it from Grace.

I feel happier doing it this way. I am nothing without Christ. I declare my unworthiness before the Lord at all times. I am worthy at all times to go to the temple. Do you see the difference? I am Church worthy yet I am always a beggar (unworthy) before God. Being unworthy in this way brings me peace. God is now in control of my life. I have given my will over to Him (Maxwell). I gladly stop worrying about everything and cast all my burdens on Him.

I do this every day. I put my trust in Him every day. This is the foundation. Obedience is built on this foundation.

In fact, get on your knees and declare your belief and trust in God and Jesus right now. Cast all your burdens (all of them) upon Christ (this means you stop worrying about them – you have given them to God). Think about and feel His wonderful grace and mercy. Have His joy, peace and love permeate your soul. Start your day working on this every day. You will immediately (once you are sincere and doing it with real intent) fill His love. This is all I am talking about. It is the foundation. You will begin to rely only on the merits of Christ who is might to save. It feels great!

You will then have tears taking the sacrament.

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