Revile is defined as 'To assail with abusive language; vituperate.' Viturperate is 'to rebuke or critize harshly or abusively.'
To revile is verbally attack someone or something. It starts with that feeling of what is being done to you is unfair. Since what is being said or done to you is unjust, you defend yourself by going on the offence (usually with words but not always).
The Zoromite poor had been treated very contempuously by their rich Zoromite bothers. They wouldn't let them in the synogogues which they had helped build. Alma teaches them the following:
And now my beloved brethren, I would exhort you to have patience, and that ye bear with all manner of afflictions; that ye do not revile against those who do cast you out because of your exceeding poverty, lest ye become sinners like unto them;
But that ye have patience, and bear with those afflictions, with a firm hope that ye shall one day rest from all your afflictions. Alma 34:40-41
After Alma and Amulek teach the Zoramites in the previous chapters the key doctrines (faith, Christ, the atonement, mercy, prayer, etc.), they immediately teach them a way to demonstrate their new found faith - 'do not revile against those who [did something aggregious against you]... lest ye become sinners like unto them'. You know what's funny? I, as a believer in Christ, revile even when I preceive a possible infraction from another! It doesn't even have to a bonified, real offense! So, I can become a sinner without the preceived offender even being a sinner.
We are exercising faith in our God when we patiently bear the persecution of others and revile not. There are many examples of this Christian quality throughout the Book of Moron.
As Alma the Younger is establishing the order of the church the unbelievers would persecute the believers 'with all manner of words'. The believers were to demonstrate their faith by staying humble (Alma 1:20) not reviling back (ibid, v.21). But some that belonged to the church couldn't do it. Their pride got in the way. Or, in other word, their logic kicked in. Why should I listen to these verbal attacks and not respond? The strict law of the church isn't fair! Because of this tenent in Alma's church, many hearts were hardened. (Ibid, v.24). This idea of reviling not was a great trial for everyone (Ibid, v. 25) causing a seperation to occur. Some bore persecution patiently while others withdrew themselves from the church.
We can easily measure our christen discipleship by comparing our own behaviors with the tenets of the gospel found in the Book of Mormon. To revile not is similar to not getting defensive. As we bare patiently hurtful words of others, we become steadfast and immovable (Ibid, v.25). Our strength of character has increased. We have reached a milestone in our christian discipleship.
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