Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Remnant of Jacob, the Young Lion Among the Gentiles

Who is this remnant of Jacob that shall be among the Gentiles like a young lion? As I was studying this subject I found various scriptures that shed some light on the matter. My take off verses are 3 Nephi 20:15-16 "And I say unto you, that if the Gentiles do not repent after the blessing which they shall receive, after they have scattered my people - Then shall ye, who are a remnant of the house of Jacob, go forth among them; and ye shall be in the midst of them who shall be many; and ye shall be among them as a lion among the beasts of the forest, and as a young lion among the flocks of sheep, who, if he goeth through both treadeth down and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver."

The Gentiles that the Lord is referring to are the people that scatter the Lord's people on the American continent. They receive a great blessing from Lord: the gospel and a free land. This great blessing causes these Gentiles to become the greatest nation on earth. But, this blessing comes with a price: serve the God of the land even Jesus Christ. If the Gentiles don't, destruction comes. The Lord says. "Then shall ye..." - talking to the Nephites, calling them a remnant of the house of Jacob, -"... be as a young lion among a flock of sheep..." There is nothing the Gentiles can do. They are tread down and torn in pieces. I once found the neighbor’s dog in our chicken coup. It was a young dog. When I got to the coup it had broken the neck of every bird in the coup. It was just standing as innocent as can be looking at me as though it had just done the best job ever. If there were a hundred chickens the dog would have killed all one hundred all for the fun it. I imagine a young lion doing about the same thing among sheep.

In 3 Nephi 21:11-21 Jesus give more detail regarding what this remnant of Jacob will do to the unrepentant Gentiles. He quotes and amplifies Micah 5:7-15.

General Mormon, with imminent destruction of the Nephite people apparent, warns the Gentiles of their destruction if they don't repent. He refers to the metaphor of the lion. After the Gentiles scatter the house of Israel in America (Mormon 5:20-21), the Lord will remember his covenant with the house of Israel and the prayers of the righteous. Mormon5:22-24 tells us that these Gentiles are in the hands of God.  If we they continue in their unrepentant ways a remnant of the seed of Jacob will tear them into pieces.  Mormon is seeing the future and giving us a warning, probably because the gradual decline, the current immence, and our myopic vision will make it very difficult to believe and see our fate. 

Isaiah refers to young lions who lay hold of their prey and none can deliver. In 2 Nephi 15:25-30, Nephi quotes Isaiah.  This young lion seems be coming from an external source instead of from within.  Perhaps this is a different young lion.

DC 87 talks of remnants marshaled vexing the Gentiles with a sore vexation. This may or may not be referring to the same remnant of Jacob or the young lion. But, I do find it interesting that those who stand in holy places will not be moved. The righteous are also protected from the young lion.  See DC 87:5-8.

In 3 Nephi 16, the Lord seems to be saying the same thing as 3 Nephi 20 and 21. But, He doesn't refer to the the young lion. In verse 14 the Lord says that He will 'suffer his people, who are of the house of Israel, to go through among them, and tread them down.' Perhaps there are multiple ways in which the Gentiles are destroyed (such as attack from other nations). The Gentiles who repent are numbered among the House of Israel. The rest are tread down. They have rejected the gospel of Jesus Christ. The nation no longer esteems moral, good behavior as important.  See 3 Nephi 16:11-15.

The remnant of Jacob, young lion prophecies are not generally discussed in Sunday School, probably because of they are disturbing and not very optimistic.  But, its good to search the scriptures to be forewarned, to be prepared, having done our part so the Spirit of the Lord can bring these things to our memory.


Jenn Hein said...

I have recently been studying this very thing in trying to determine where we are in relation to the 2nd coming. I have yet to determine if this event has happened, is happening, or who specifically this "remnant" is and how they will bring about this event if its an event yet to take place. I agree that this is not something iv heard talked about to this extent and feel very much alone in my qwest so waas glad to see you stumbled upon it as well.

Greenscooter said...

Thank you Jenn for the comment. There seems to be remnant in Europe call radical Islam. Since Jesus tells the Nephites that it will be their decendents, I tend to believe it is the latino population or the American indian. Maybe class divisions become so horrible in the future that a whole disenfranchised class rebels.

Unknown said...


A said...

I believe the Lord spoke to the Nephites but more precisely spoke thru the Nephites to the world. Therefore, I think the remnant of Jacob is Islam.

smurugappan said...


It's really nice. Thanks for sharing.

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Sharon said...

I’ve considered Islam too, but they are from Ishmael, not Jacob.