1 Nephi 17:6,1-2
Nephi's perspective of difficult times compared to Laman and Lemuel's perspective of difficult times has a lesson that we all can learn from. According to Nephi, they...waded through much affliction in the wilderness.... " Nephi doesn't say that there wasn't any afflictions. Afflictions are a part of life. He also indicates that their "...women did bear children... and so great were the blessings of the Lord upon [them], that while [they] did live upon raw meat in the wilderness, [their] women did give plenty of suck for their children, and were strong, yea, even like unto the men; and they began to bear their journeyings without murmurings." After their bodies were conditioned, the women had not need to murmur because they were as strong as the men! Nephi indicates that the women had no problem nursing their children. He views all this as blessings from God. He see things in a positive perspective.
In contrast, Laman and Lemuel, later in the chapter continue to show their belief that Lehi and Nephi were "... led away by the foolish imaginations of [their] heart..." They ..."have wandered in the wilderness for these many years..." Note the lack of direction by using the word 'wondering'. They don't believe they are going really anywhere. They don't believe God is directing them. They then say..." and our women have toiled, being big with child; and they have borne children in the wilderness and suffered all things, save it were death; and it would have been better that they had died before they came out of Jerusalem than to have suffered these afflictions." Laman and Lemuel see the exact aame wilderness event as a horrible experience. It would have been better that their women had died before starting then to have suffered so much.
We too view our trials, troubles and afflictions as growing experiences when we look back with a spiritual perspective or as negative experiences only to have been endured with not redeeming qualities when our unbelief kicks in. It truly is all a matter of perspective. We either believe that it is an illusion that God has a plan for us or that the despair of the world is the illusion.
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