Sunday, September 14, 2008

Nephi's Episode 6. The Lord's Big Errand: Building a Boat

Here's how the story goes:


1. Everyone is content in Bountful*The mission is not complete
2. Nephi hears the LordSomeone is listening*Miracle
3. Nephi prays alone*Action
4. Nephi obtains an errand from the Lord*Miracle
5. Nephi asks for specific directionNephi knows is limitations*Action
6. Nephi receives answers to the specific need*Miracle
7. Nephi continues to ask*Action
8. Nephi continues to shown*Miracle
9. Nephi ask L&L to help with the construction*Action
10. L&L withhold help*Trouble, Trial or Affllicton (TTA)
11. Nephi is sad for their hard heartedness*Nephi is troubled*Nephi does not succomb*
12. L&L mispreceive Neph's sadness and tell him that he is a fool*Voiced Unbelief
13. Nephi preaches to them how mighty God is*Action*Nephi doesn't care that L&L can over power him.
14. L&L want to kill Nephi*TTA with no way out
15. Nephi tell them to touch me not and has white luster*Miracle
16. L&L fear Nephi and help construct the ship*Doors are open using Unbelievers*Action
17. Nephi is told to touch L&L so they know that Nephi really did have power undeniably*Miracle
18. The errand is completed*The ship is contructed

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