Thursday, September 29, 2011

Modern Day 'Scientific' Views Toward Religion Nothing New - Part 1


As in America, during the reign of judges in the Book of Mormon, everyone was on equal grounds with respect to the law.  A man could believe what he wanted.  Korihor, an unbeliever, began to preach  to the people.  He reminds me of conversations I have had with those that no longer believe.   Based on science, evidence and empiricism they preach almost exactly the same thing regarding those who have faith.  After the unbelieving empiricist establishes the apparent foolishness of faith, they then begin to teach an amoral, carnal way of life (since a higher faith is out of the picture).  A basic tenant of their doctrine is that it is obvious that there is no God since God has not revealed Himself unto THEM.  Their logic is, since God hasn't revealed Himself to them, he hasn't revealed Himself unto anybody, past, present or future.

Here's a summary of Korihor's faith-based attack:

1. You are bound down by a foolish and vain hope.
2. No man can know that Christ really came (or that he will come again).
3. Prophecies are foolish traditions handed down from older people.
4. No one can know with surety anything about the future.
5. This is because you cannot know the things you cannot see.
6. Therefore, no one can know that there be a Christ.
7. Looking forward for a remission of your sins is the effect of a frenzied mind.
8. A believer has a deranged mind because he believes in the 'traditions of the fathers'.
9. This faith leads the believer into a belief of things which are not so.
10.  Thus, there is not atonement made for the sins of men.

I have been told that everyone who has received internal and external manifestations from the unseen world is having a hallucination.  Korihor used frenzied and deranged to describe the same thing.  The unbeliever says that since the scientific process 'can't' measure these phenomenas they really don't exist except as figments of our imagination.  They call this freedom.  They can now do anything they want.  They surmise that following their natural impulses is right.  No more higher faith-based laws to live by!

This isn't freedom!  It is captivity of the worst kind.  The Book of Mormon describes this condition as the chains of hell.  The chains of hell connote a state in which a person knows nothing of the things of God and considers all things related to faith, hope and righteousness as foolishness.  A person who knew the truth always falls into this condition by degrees.  They give into their natural proclivities (vices, sin, cynicism), the Spirit which they previously felt dims until one day this light is completely extinguished.  People around them can see the decline but the individual, for some reason, can't.

The Answer

Plant the seed of believing back into your heart.  It will begin to grow.  When you feel these swelling motions inside, know that the seed is good.  If you can only hope to believe, that is the place to start. Start doing (changing) something that you know you need to do (change).  You will get the witness from God once again in you life.  Let this grow and soon all the light and truth will return.